ISTRUZIONI DEL cALCOLATORE GRAFICO PIANO (Il caricamento richiede un po' di tempo) |
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The above example displays the following calculator:
Move point a with the mouse to see how the amplitude and frequency of a sine wave can change.
Graph definitions and mathematics |
This section contains a technical description of the calculator's graph. You can skip over many of the items in this section if you already understand the basic principles of complex numbers, vectors, their corresponding representation on the cartesian plane, and their standard graphical display conventions.
- Pixels, points, and zoom scale
The calculator's graph is a map that projects points in the cartesian plane onto screen pixels.
The zoom scale (z) is defined as the horizontal pixel displacement between the pixel that represents the cartesian point (0,0) and the pixel that represents the cartesian point (1,0).
If the screen location of the cartesian origin's pixel o is at ox (horizontal) oy (vertical), and the screen location of pixel p is at px (horizontal) py (vertical), then pixel p is the graphical representation of the cartesian point a with coordinates:Pixel p is also the graphical representation of the following set of cartesian points:
ax = (px - ox) / z
ay = (oy - py) / z.
Point a is called the center point for pixel p. If you select pixel p with the mouse, then the calculator interprets it as point a.
{ (x,y) | x in [ax - z/2 ... ax + z/2) and y in [ay - z/2 ... ay + z/2) }.
The calculator uses only positive integer values for z. This allows you to use the mouse for selecting integer-valued coordinates. If you choose an even value for z, then you can also use the mouse to select exact mid-points between integers.
Due to limitations in the calculator's graphing precision, it's best to limit your activities to the region of the cartesian plane where the following inequality holds true for each point a that you're using:
max(z|ax|, z|ay|) < 2147483647
- Background pixel color
If the background color of a pixel is black, then it represents a point a that has a coordinate value of either ax=0 or ay=0.
If the background color of a pixel is light gray, then it represents a point a that has a coordinate value such that either ax or ay is a non-zero integer -- however, at very low zoom scales, ax or ay is also restricted to be an integer multiple of 10.
The background color of all other pixels is white.
- Points: mathematical interpretation
Each point on the plane has two coordinates, a horizontal one for x, and a vertical one for y. The mathematical interpretation of these coordinates depends on which function is currently selected for the calculator. This interpretation is defined either by complex mathematics, vector mathematics, or real mathematics.
In complex mathematics, the point represents a complex number, where the point's x coordinate represents the number's real component, and the point's y coordinate represents the number's imaginary component. Specifically, the point a located at (ax,ay) represents the complex number ax+iay, where i2 = -1. (In some applications, the symbol j is used instead of i.)
In vector mathematics, the point represents a 2-dimensional vector, where the point's x coordinate represents the vector's first coordinate, and the point's y coordinate represents the vector's second coordinate. Specifically, the point a located at (ax,ay) represents the vector (ax,ay).
In real mathematics, the point represents either true or false with respect to a function f :, where the point's x coordinate represents a value in the domain of f, and the point's y coordinate represents a value in the range of f. Specifically, the point a located at (ax,ay) represents true if ay = f (ax), and represents false otherwise.
- Points: graphical display
A point is displayed as a small open square that's centered around the pixel that represents it. A point may also be accompanied by a gray line segment that connects it to the origin. The gray line segment is provided only to help you visualize the angle associated with the point, and is not a part of the mathematical object that the point represents.
Note that sometimes a point might lie outside of the display boundary of the graph. The Line checkbox is provided to help you locate a distant point.
- Root functions
The calculator's built-in function f = V¯a displays all the complex values of z that satisfy the equation z2 = a.
The calculator's built-in function f = 3V¯a displays all the complex values of z that satisfy the equation z3 = a.
Each of these equations has a principal root, which is displayed as the point labeled f. The principal root is the value of z that has the greatest real component (or the greatest imaginary component if the real components are equal). All other roots of the equation are displayed as unlabeled points.
See also:
- Shadow vector
The calculator has a special feature to help you understand the geometric interpretation of a · b (vector dot product) and a × b (vector cross product).
This feature is available when you select the built-in function f = a · b or f = a × b.
While you are moving a point with the mouse (or while the spin animation is running), an additional point is displayed that represents the shadow vector. The shadow vector is displayed in red, and describes the "shadow" that the moving vector casts on the stationary vector's line. This shadow comes from a light source that's positioned so its rays of light are always perpendicular to the stationary vector. The shadow is created when the moving vector blocks one ray of light. This blocked ray of light is displayed as a yellow line segment.
The shadow that a casts on b is the vector b(a·b)/|b|2. In this case, the red line has a length of |a·b|/|b|, and the yellow line has a length of |a×b|/|b|. If b remains constant (which is true while you are moving a), then the length of the red line is always proportional to |a·b|, and the length of the yellow line is always proportional to |a×b|. Observing these relationships can be useful for achieving a geometric understanding of these vector products.
See also:
- Shadow vectors for matrix multiplication
The calculator has a special feature to help you understand the geometric interpretation of 2×2 matrix multiplication with a vector.
This feature is available when you select the built-in function f = mat(a,b) · c.
For this function, the calculator computes the following:While you are moving point c with the mouse (or while the spin animation is running on c), two additional points are displayed that represent the shadow vectors. The shadow vectors are displayed in red, and describe each of the two "shadows" that c is simultaneously casting on the lines of a and b.
ax ay bx by c = (a · c , b · c)
These shadows come from two different light sources that are positioned so that the rays of light from one source are always perpendicular to a, and the rays of light from the other source are always perpendicular to b. The two shadows are created when c blocks one ray of light from each source. These two blocked rays of light are displayed as yellow line segments.
The two shadow vectors are labeled x and y, and are defined as:
x = a(a·c)/|a|2 |x| = |a·c|/|a| y = b(b·c)/|b|2 |y| = |b·c|/|b|
If a and b remain constant (which is true while you are moving c), then the lengths of the red shadows |x| and |y| are always proportional to |a·c| and |b·c|, respectively. Observing this relationship can help you to view the result vector (a·c, b·c) in geometric terms.
See also:
Additional examples |
This section contains some additional examples of user-defined functions for the calculator.
- Cycloid
f = (|a|t + by sin(t), |a| + by cos(t)) - (0,|a|) g = |a|(cos t, sin t) Move a and b up and down the y axis. The radius of the circle is |a|, and by indicates where the pen is attached to the circle. The pen draws the cycloid as the circle rolls in the x direction.
- Projectile motion
f = bx|t|, by|t| + .5 ay|t|^2 Move b to specify the initial velocity vector of a projectile fired from the origin. Move ay to a negative value to specify the negative acceleration of gravity. The curve shows the resulting ballistic motion of the projectile.
- Normal distribution
f = (1/((dx-cx)sqrt(2pi))) e^(-((x-cx)^2)/(2(dx-cx)^2)) g = (cx, t) h = (dx, t) Move c to specify the mean, and move d to specify 1 standard deviation from the mean. The curve shows the normal distribution.
- 2×2 matrix exploration
f = (cos t, sin t) dot a, (cos t, sin t) dot b g = (1,1)i^(int t) dot a, (1,1)i^(int t) dot b Move a and b around to explore how multiplication by a 2×2 matrix transforms the geometry of the plane. The graph shows how the unit circle and a circumscribed square are transformed by multiplication with the following matrix:
ax ay bx by
- Regular polygon series
f = c + (a-c) i^((4 int t)/(s+3)) Move a and c to position the polygon. Click the Step button to advance to the next polygon. Click the Clear button to reset.
- Conic sections with focus and directrix
f = sqrt(ax+1) g = -f h = sqrt(ax*((x^2)-1)) k = -h m = (re(1/f), ax*im(1/f)) + i*t/f n = -m Move a left and right to explore the entire set of ellipses and hyperbolas.
- Chaos of the logistic equation
f = 4ax(1-ax) g = (s/z, f) Move a to random position between x=0 and x=1. Activate the Plot checkbox, and then click the Step button to advance through the iterations. Hit the > key to advance 100 steps. The resulting plot is chaotic. Click the Clear button to reset.
- Mandelbrot set
Move c to a fixed location. Move a to 0, and then click the Step button to advance through the iterations. If c is inside the colored area, and a starts at 0, then a will never escape to infinity. If you move c, then be sure to move a back to 0 before continuing.
Mathematical reference |
This section contains some basic definitions for the mathematics used by the calculator.
- Complex representation: rectangular form
A complex number z can be represented in rectangular form as zx+izy, where zx is the real component, zy is the imaginary component, and i2 = -1. The individual components can be extracted by applying the following definitions:
Re(z) = zx Im(z) = zy
- Complex representation: polar form
A complex number z can be represented in polar form as the pair |z|,where |z| is the length of the line segment from 0 to z, and
is the angle between the positive real axis and the line segment from 0 to z, as measured counter-clockwise from the positive real axis in radians. (If the angle is measured clockwise, then
has a negative value.)
The rectangular form is converted to the polar form by applying the following definitions:
|z| = V¯(zx2 + zy2) The polar form is converted to rectangular form by multiplying |z| with the complex number on the unit circle that corresponds to
= 0 if zx = 0 and zy = 0 = - arccos(zx / |z|) if zy < 0 = arccos(zx / |z|) otherwise :
z = |z|, {polar}
= |z| (cos + i sin
= |z| cos + i |z| sin
A complex number does not have a unique representation in polar form. Specifically: |z|,
zx = |z| cos zy = |z| sin +2k
represents the same complex number for all integer values of k. Also, if |z|=0, then |z|,
represents the complex number 0 for all real values of
. The polar form is often normalized by selecting
in the range (-
], and selecting
=0 if |z|=0.
The polar coordinate |z| is sometimes called the modulus, the magnitude, or the absolute value of z. The polar coordinateis sometimes called the argument or the phase of z.
- Complex representation: phasor form
A complex number z can be represented in phasor form as |z| ei, where |z| and
are defined as in the polar form. The phasor form is converted to rectangular form by applying Euler's formula:
z = |z| ei = |z| (cos + i sin
= |z| cos + i |z| sin
- Vector representation: polar form
A 2-dimensional vector v can be represented in polar form as the pair |v|,. Their definitions are analogous to those given above for complex numbers in polar form.
The polar coordinate |v| is sometimes called the length or magnitude of v. The polar coordinateis sometimes called the angle of v.
- Complex conjugate
The complex conjugate is defined as:
a* = ax - iay
- Addition
Complex addition is defined as:Vector addition (in two dimensions) is defined as:
a + b = (ax+iay) + (bx+iby) = (ax+bx) + i(ay+by)
a + b = (ax,ay) + (bx,by) = (ax+bx , ay+by)
- Subtraction
Complex subtraction is defined as:Vector subtraction (in two dimensions) is defined as:
a - b = (ax+iay) - (bx+iby) = (ax-bx) + i(ay-by)
a - b = (ax,ay) - (bx,by) = (ax-bx , ay-by)
- Complex multiplication
Complex multiplication is defined as:and in polar form:
a * b = (ax+iay) * (bx+iby) = (axbx-ayby) + i(axby+aybx) and in phasor form:
a * b = |a| (cos a + i sin
a) * |b| (cos
b + i sin
|a| |b| ( (cos a cos
b - sin
a sin
+ i (cos a sin
b + sin
a cos
b) )
= |a| |b| (cos ( a +
b) + i sin (
a +
= |a| |b| , ( a +
b) {polar}
a * b = (|a| ei ) * (|b| ei
= |a| |b| ei( +
- Complex division
Complex division is defined as:and in polar form:
a / b =
(ax+iay) (bx+iby) =
(ax+iay) (bx-iby) (bx+iby) (bx-iby) =
(axbx+ayby) + i(aybx-axby) bx2+by2 and in phasor form:
a / b =
|a| |b| , ( a -
b) {polar}
a / b =
|a| ei ![]()
|b| ei ![]()
|a| |b| ei( -
- Complex power (real exponent)
The complex power an (where the exponent is real) is derived in polar form by using DeMoivre's theorem:
an = (ax + iay)n = (|a| cos + i |a| sin
= (|a| (cos + i sin
= |a|n (cos + i sin
= |a|n (cos n + i sin n
) {from DeMoivre's theorem}
= |a|n cos n + i |a|n sin n
= |a|n , n {polar}
and is derived in phasor form by using Euler's formula:
an = (|a| ei )n
= |a|n ein = |a|n (cos n + i sin n
- Complex power (complex exponent)
The complex power ab (where the exponent is complex) is derived as follows:
1: Start by expanding ez with Euler's formula:2: then apply the following substitutions:
e z
= e (zx+izy)
= e zx
e izy
= e zx
(cos zy + i sin zy)
Applying these substitutions to create a fully-expanded definition is left as an exercise for the reader.
ab = (elog a)b = eb log a z = b log a log a = log |a| + i a
- Complex exponential
The complex exponential is derived from Euler's formula:
e a
= e (ax+iay)
= e ax
e iay
= e ax
(cos ay + i sin ay)
- Complex natural logarithm
The complex natural logarithm is defined as:
log a = log (|a| ei
) = log |a| + log ei
= log |a| + i
- Complex trigonometric functions
The fundamental complex trigonometric functions are defined as:The following identities show some important relationships among these functions:
sin a
eia - e-ia 2i cos a
eia + e-ia 2 sinh a
ea - e-a 2 cosh a
ea + e-a 2 The derived complex trigonometric functions are defined as:
= cos a + i sin a ea
= cosh a + sinh a 1
= (cos a)2 + (sin a)2 1
= (cosh a)2 - (sinh a)2 i sin a
= sinh ia cos a
= cosh ia Each trigonometric function has a corresponding inverse function. The name of each inverse function begins with the prefix arc:
tan a
= sin a / cos a cot a
= 1 / tan a sec a
= 1 / cos a csc a
= 1 / sin a tanh a
= sinh a / cosh a coth a
= 1 / tanh a sech a
= 1 / cosh a csch a
= 1 / sinh a
sin arcsin a
= a cos arccos a
= a tan arctan a
= a cot arccot a
= a sec arcsec a
= a csc arccsc a
= a sinh arcsinh a
= a cosh arccosh a
= a tanh arctanh a
= a coth arccoth a
= a sech arcsech a
= a csch arccsch a
= a
- Vector dot product
The vector dot product (in two dimensions) is defined as:and in polar form:
a · b = axbx + ayby where
a · b = axbx + ayby = |a| cos a |b| cos
b + |a| sin
a |b| sin
= |a| |b| (cos a cos
b + sin
a sin
= |a| |b| cos ( b -
= |a| |b| cos a,b
a,b is the angle between the line segment from (0,0) to a and the line segment from (0,0) to b, as measured counter-clockwise from a to b in radians.
- Vector cross product
The vector cross product (in two dimensions) is defined as the determinant of the coordinate matrix:
and in polar form:
a × b =
ax ay bx by = axby - aybx where
a × b = axby - aybx = |a| cos a |b| sin
b - |a| sin
a |b| cos
= |a| |b| (cos a sin
b - sin
a cos
= |a| |b| sin ( b -
= |a| |b| sin a,b
a,b is the angle between the line segment from (0,0) to a and the line segment from (0,0) to b, as measured counter-clockwise from a to b in radians.
The value |a × b| is the area of the parallelogram defined by the vertices (0,0), a, b, and a+b.
- 2×2 matrix multiplication
2×2 matrix multiplication with a 2-dimensional vector is defined as:and in polar form:
ax ay bx by c = (a · c , b · c) = (axcx + aycy , bxcx + bycy) It's generally easier to develop a geometric understanding of this function for the case where b is perpendicular to a. In this case, the resulting vector's components are based on the cosine and sine of the same angle -- which simplifies the geometric analysis. One useful example of this is the following matrix, which emulates complex multiplication by z:
ax ay bx by c = (a · c , b · c) = (|a| |c| cos a,c , |b| |c| cos
This matrix is often rewritten using polar coordinates for z:
zx -zy zy zx c = (zxcx - zycy , zxcy + zycx)
= (|z| |c| cos ( z +
c) , |z| |c| sin (
z +
= |z| |c| , z +
c {polar}
The inverse function (which emulates complex division by z) is:
zx -zy zy zx c =
|z| cos z
-|z| sin z
|z| sin z
|z| cos z
c These functions are useful because they scale and rotate the vector c without introducing any other distortion. Conceptually, they translate c to and from an alternative coordinate system that uses z as its unit vector.
|z|-2 zx |z|-2 zy -|z|-2 zy |z|-2 zx c =
|z|-1 cos z
|z|-1 sin z
-|z|-1 sin z
|z|-1 cos z
- Summary of trigonometric forms
The following table summarizes the trigonometric forms used in the complex functions and 2-dimensional vector functions. These trigonometric forms are the key to developing a geometric interpretation for each of these functions.
Function Component Expansion Trigonometric form Vector products: a · b = axbx + ayby = |a| |b| cos ( b -
a × b = axby - aybx = |a| |b| sin ( b -
Matrix multiplication:
ax ay bx by c a · c = axcx + aycy = |a| |c| cos ( c -
b · c = bxcx + bycy = |b| |c| cos ( c -
Complex multiplication: Re(a * b) = axbx - ayby = |a| |b| cos ( a +
Im(a * b) = axby + aybx = |a| |b| sin ( a +
Complex division: Re(a / b) = (axbx + ayby) |b|-2 = |a| |b|-1 cos ( a -
Im(a / b) = (aybx - axby) |b|-2 = |a| |b|-1 sin ( a -
Complex power: Re(an) = |a|n cos n a
Im(an) = |a|n sin n a
Complex exponential: Re(ea) = eax cos ay Im(ea) = eax sin ay